Apples, a cucumber, sliced Lemon and ginger blended and poured into two glass cups

Side effects of following internet trends on smoothies diet
#truestory #diet #healthtips
During the lock down, i had put on a lot of weight due to boredom and bingeing on every food that i could find. I ate and baked to keep myself busy and laziness from idleness didn't help my matter.
Like most ladies,lets fast forward to 2022, workouts or gym can be tiresome and i kept putting it off until i noticed all or most of my clothes could not longer fit; they were all becoming too tight.
I wasn't proud of my tummy at this point, it was becoming too loose for comfort, my upper arms would flap rather too easily but it was my tummy that i couldn't stand.ope! i was not obese , but defiantly overweight.
So one day while browsing around on Instagram, i saw this magical video about how fast and effective these items in the picture above works for tummy fat. It will burn all your tummy fats and you can have your firmness back so easy and the items were just siting in my fruit bowl on the table. I wanted a short cut, quick fixed. I couldn't do more that 5-10 sit up every other day.
Lets analyze that picture of fruits. To be honest, what could possible go wrong? its just a smoothie mix of healthy fruits and root. I have eaten them each separately before and was not allergic to any of them at all. So i went ahead; washed and blended the items in that picture and drink it. it was
Delicious! Oh let me add that i did not add include spinach in my blended mix 1 of each: lemon, apple, cucumber and a tiny bit of ginger.
Tasted heavenly, no after bitter taste, i wanted to make more but an inner nudge in my mind kicked against it. My whole day went on splendidly, no problems at all. In fact, I had a new spring to my steps.
The nightmare began the next day, i looked at my phone it was 2:30am. I felt pressed, so naturally, i went to the toilet. but instead of peeing, I had cramps in my stomach and i let loose my bowels. This was involuntary i must add. I kept returning to the toilet at this at least eight times and each time the stomach cramps were increasingly more painful.
This resulted in taking antibiotics; because the "stooling" or "diarrhea" kept occurring for five days straight. I dared not make sudden jumping movements, for the fear of shitting myself, it was bad!
More than a week later, Ha!i saw results. My tummy was flat as a chopping board, but was it worth it?
I had lost 5kg in a week and would had been dangerously dehydrated' if not for the home made O.R.T, which i drank as often i as could.
My point is, don't believe everything you watch on the internet, Please people read the comments, if possible. I have started working out at my own pace daily and I later discovered eating more vegetables, water, early morning stretches and avoid eating late like 8-9pm helped in my weight loss. I had a firmer stomach, lost good weight and feel more flexible.
My people, love your body, treat it well o! Do not go extreme. Abeg! Please! No short cuts and Enjoy your food with wisdom.